Membership Benefit
Membership Information
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This corporation shall have one or more classes of members, consisting of persons dedicated to the purposes of this corporation, who meet other qualifications for membership, as the Board may determine shall be eligible for membership on approval of the membership application by the Board and on timely payment of such dues and fees as the Board may fix from time to time. The Board reserves the right to establish the rules governing the rights and obligations of the members. No member shall have any rights to ownership of this corporation. All members, general and associate, is required to abide with the organization's Code of Ethics set by the Board of Directors and may be changed from time to time.

  • This corporation shall have two (2) classes of membership, namely, general and associate, as described below in this article.
  • Active membership in the corporation shall consist of individuals who meet the following qualifications:
    • General or associate membership in good standing in a local chapter of AAIFPA or an affiliated organization which is an affiliated member of AAIFPA;
    • General membership requires the holder to be insurance licensed.
  • Associate membership shall include individuals not eligible for general membership and who are not insurance licensed; provided that such individuals must also be and remain members in good standing of a local chapter of AAIFPA or an affiliated organization which is an affiliated member of AAIFPA. Associate members shall be entitled to all privileges of the corporation except those of voting and holding office.
  • Each applicant for general or associate membership in AAIFPA shall submit an application for membership to the Board of Directors. The application shall be in such form and shall be accompanied by such supporting information and endorsements as the Board of Directors may require. The application shall also be accompanied by the required annual membership dues and fees. Membership is effective on the first day of the month following Board of Directors acceptance of the application and payment of the required dues and fees.
  • Lifetime option is available for both category of membership, general and associate. The Lifetime option requires a one-time application and payment of Lifetime dues which is set by the Board of Directors each year. Such exercise of the lifetime option is effective on the first day of the month following Board of Directors acceptance of the one-time application and full payment of lifetime dues and fees.
  • The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject the application of any applicant, by majority vote, except that no individual may be denied membership on the basis of sex, religion, race, creed, or national origin.
  • Any member may resign from AAIFPA at any time provided that all of dues and fees have been paid. No resigning member is entitled to a refund of dues and fees paid.
  • Any active or associate member who is in arrears in the payment of membership dues or fees may be suspended by the majority vote of the entire Board of Directors and, in such event, shall be so notified in writing by the Secretary/Treasurer. A suspended member, may be reinstated after completing a new application for membership, payment of dues and fees and approved by the majority of the Board of Directors.
  • Any member charged with conduct unbecoming a member of AAIFPA and against whom such charges are sustained after due and proper hearing before the Board of Directors, may be reprimanded, suspended or expelled form the membership. In such a case, a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the entire Board of Directors shall first be necessary to sustain the charges. The type of punishment to be imposed shall then be separately voted by two-thirds (2/3) of the entire Board of Directors.
  • Any person whose membership in AAIFPA has been terminated in any manner shall forfeit all interest in any funds or other property belonging to AAIFPA, and all right to the use of the name, emblem or other insignia of the corporation.
  • Renewal of membership is due each and every January 31st with a 30 days grace period to avoid lapse of membership. Any lapsed membership requires a new application and acceptance by the Board of Directors.
  • An Affiliated Member is a qualifying organization which becomes an affiliated organization with AAIFPA. In order to become a qualifying organization, the organization must apply to the Board of Directors for such status, must provide reciprocal membership benefits for members of AAIFPA, must abide with the Bylaws and Code of Ethics of AAIFPA and pay an annual Affiliated Membership dues as set forth by the Board of Directors.